Listeners can help us improve our stories

Clare has been learning to tell stories. She is keen to practice and increasingly praying for opportunities. The more she prays the more she sees opportunities.
Each week she and her husband have a meal with their uncle and aunt. Their uncle doesn’t yet follow Jesus although his family does. One evening the uncle says, “So how is Bible College going?”
Of all the answers that Clare could give she sees the opportunity to tell a story. “Actually one of the things I’ve been learning is to tell stories. Could I tell you one? It would be good for me to practice.”
Her uncle said, “I’m a good person to tell the stories to because I haven’t heard them. Although I won’t know if you get anything wrong!”
So her aunt and uncle listened to the stories from Genesis 1-3. Her uncle made a suggestion to improve the way she told the story. Clare hadn’t thought of this before and it was a great suggestion, which she plans to include in future stories. Clare was encouraged that for the rest of the meal, different parts of the story were mentioned. Her aunt and uncle are happy to help her out with practicing stories in the future.
Used with permission