Global Recordings – telling the story of Jesus in every language
Eight of us went from Australia, two from Amercia, and we were joined by seven locals – it was a great trip!
A team from GRN (Global Recordings Network) recently visited Nepal. Ten foreigners teamed up with seven locals to trek into villages. For the majority of the trip we broke into teams of three or four foreigners with one translator. We walked to different houses and villages where we asked if they’d like to listen to some stories in their own language – we used GRN Good News recordings in local languages. People proved very open to listen. They were generally happy to continue when asked half-way through the recording and often discussed the stories at length after we’d finished.
Many had never heard about Jesus before. People generally understood that following Jesus meant leaving their old religious practices behind. Some responded with faith. Some wanted time to consider. Some wanted to wait until their parents died (even one man who looked to be in his sixties) and some wanted to hear more. I was very encouraged by people’s understanding after hearing the recordings, and encouraged to know that people will be following up those we contacted.
We stayed in one hotel where local children appeared to greet us. This progressed to fun and games with the kids, to telling Bible stories to the kids, to telling Bible stories to a large group of children, teenagers and adults. They loved the Bible stories – both recorded and live. I was amazed at our ability to communicate despite the language barrier and am very thankful for our patient translators. In the end people in this area had ongoing contact with us over four days, giving them a good opportunity to hear and understand the message we brought.
Used with permission. See the GRN website where many languages have story recordings –