Storytelling in Manchester

“Hi my name is Nick and this is Steve. We’re out praying for our community and wondered if God could do a miracle in your life today, what would it be? Can we pray for you?”
We’d approached a young man in a hoodie. Head down. Scarred face. He didn’t look pleased to see us.
Just then a car drove up. The driver’s window came down and he called out for directions. I went over to help so Nick would have a chance to share without distractions.
When I returned the young man in the hoodie was weeping. We’ll call him Dave.
He needed a miracle in his life. Just out of prison. His two sons had been taken away. He was despairing of life and had nowhere to turn.
I told him the story of the woman who wept at Jesus feet and how she went home her sins forgiven, at peace with God. Her faith in Jesus had saved her. Nick shared his story of coming to Christ.
We prayed for Dave and assured him there was another way. Nick and Dave agreed to meet again. That was Saturday afternoon.
On Tuesday Nick met with Dave and led him in a prayer of commitment to Christ. They meet again on Thursday at Dave’s place for Discovery Bible Study. Dave has been sharing his new found faith with his partner and plans to get baptised!
Greater Manchester is the second largest population centre in Britain after Greater London. There are 11.7 million people living within 50 miles (80 km) of Manchester. A quarter of the population say they have no religion, 16% are Muslim and 48% have a Christian background.
So what can we do to reach Manchester? We can train people like Nick to multiply disciples and churches. We can help him find people like Dave, just out of prison, desperate for answers. We can help Nick train and mobilise others.
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