Using a painting to gain story opportunities

Amanda paints a picture then gives herself a time limit to give it away. When she gives away the painting, she tells a story to the recipient. Here is her account of sharing a story.
So I am to give away the David and Goliath painting by today. I had planned to give it away within seven days of painting it and today was the seventh day. I pray before I am to leave the house and decide to go to a place in my neighborhood to pick up some steamed vegetable and chicken. I order the food, grab my painting, and get to the restaurant.
I wait in the store while they get it ready. A lady comes in but she is in a rush. A man comes in, he also sits and waits for his order. Perfect! I have the painting in my hand.
“Hi, how are you today. I was wondering if you could help me out?” I ask him.
“Sure, I can try. What do you need?” He says.
“I have a mission to give this painting away to someone and tell them a story. Do you have a few minutes?” I ask.
“Yes sure,” he answers.
I show him the painting and began sharing the story of David and Goliath (with sound effects for the sling shots) including the message of how David was chosen. Then I read to him ‘Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.’ I asked him what that means to him. He replied that it means that God is bigger than anything you can ever face. He even told me that he had heard the story a very long time ago as a child but didn’t understand it. But he understood it now.
His whole demeanor just lit up and I asked him if I could pray for him. He replied yes. He explained to me that he really dislikes his current job but has a new business he is trying to get off the ground. He also wanted his family to be blessed.
So we held hands in the store and prayed right there. I prayed for his request and for healing over his family. He was so surprised because he forgot to tell me his mom had just come out of the hospital having had knee surgery. He was so grateful for this sparse 15 minutes of fellowship. He said he couldn’t wait to show the painting to his wife.
“Now is it now my mission to pass this painting along to someone else?” He asked.
I said, “That is up to you.”
For 15 minutes Mike listened and spoke of things not of this world. How amazing when we walk in expectant faith how God shows up to enlighten us with His presence.
I share this story and all my stories to spur you on in this incredible journey with Jesus so that all may know.
There is Amanda’s story of sharing. It is simple but deliberate. She sees sharing stories as obedience to God. You cannot obey to make disciples if you don’t talk to people. You have to make talking to people about spiritual issues important and urgent. It is often said if it is on your heart it is on your schedule. Sharing your or a biblical story is a matter of eternity for others. If we don’t share then who will? We can’t leave it to others and God commands us to do it.
Shared with permission from December 3, 2014