“Out of the mouths of children…”

Two Americans were in Romania conducting a Vacation Bible school (VBS) in a village of about thirty-five hundred people. The adults in the village were deeply suspicious of the VBS team and would not have listened to stories from them. The American visitors thought of another strategy.
They taught the Romanian children stories from Genesis 1-4. The songs, games and crafts supported the story of the day. To their surprise, the children hadn’t heard any of the stories before. Each child was given a journal and asked to tell the stories to adults, who would sign the page as evidence they’d heard the story. They didn’t tell the children how many times to tell the story and were astonished that not only did every child tell a story but that one boy of about twelve told seventy-two stories! At the end of the training, the final tally was more than nine hundred stories told over four days.
Adapted from TGTS, submitted by S & S