A teacher finally finds a way to share the good news
Sue is a Taiwanese high school teacher. She wants to see those she knows have opportunities to hear about Jesus but hadn’t found a natural way of sharing that suited her.
One Sunday she heard a storyteller in church. She watched the absolute fascination on people’s faces even though it was a story they’d heard many times. She watched the absolute fascination on people’s faces even though it was a story they’d heard many times. She wondered if this was a method she could use.
Sue invited the storyteller and the team of short-termer workers to her school. The storyteller agreed as long as the Principal gave permission. In introducing the story/drama, the storyteller told the students, “In school you’ve learned several theories of where the universe came from. Today we’d like to share another. We guests believe that this is the true explanation and today you may ask any questions that you like. We hope that you will consider the various theories you’ve been given and keep asking questions until you are sure what it is that you believe.”
The students listened attentively and asked lots of questions.
Sue decided that she wanted to tell stories and now comes once a week to learn stories, aiming to learn a set that explains the Bible and the salvation it offers.
She practiced the Creation story first with her children. Then she shared with her husband. When she felt confident, she asked various contacts if she could tell them a story. The first lady sold cookies. She thoroughly enjoyed the first story and said, “Please learn the next one, so I can hear it too.”
Another teacher also appreciated the first story. These positive responses have motivated Sue to keep learning the next story in the series. Might she at last have found a suitable way to share the good news with others?