A cleaner encounters a storyteller in Singapore airport
I was very early for my flight at Singapore airport, so I asked the Lord for a storying opportunity, a divine appointment that he’d set up.
While in the bathroom I heard a lady humming. I asked her (in Mandarin) if she was a Christian (since we often hum!) She said “No, but my mother-in-law is.” That led very easily into how long her mother-in-law had known Jesus and had she noticed changes in her (she had). I just asked her what she knew about the Bible -almost nothing. Just been to church a few times. She’d just come off the cleaning shift and had a several hours to wait until next shift. I had nearly an hour to do Gen 1-3 stories and then Abraham and Jesus (using ‘2 Ways to Live ‘ a gospel outline using 6 pictures) with her. She was very interested and obviously moving links closer in the one conversation. Was able to suggest where to read in the Bible. I prayed for her and then suggested she pray (not something I usually do on a first meeting but it felt like I was prompted). You should have heard her pray. She may have become a believer -she certainly used the words although I hadn’t felt she was ready. Perhaps the mother-in-law’s testimony had already been many ‘links in a chain’ and prepared her heart.