A District Administrator wants to hear stories
I was on my way to my adult literacy class with a friend and we had to change buses in a town. The District Administrator for the state happened to be there that day. He is a very important man who handles problems that arise in the entire district.
While we were standing around waiting for our bus to come, we were talking about our class. That man happened to overhear our conversation and came and stood nearby to listen. Then he asked, “About whom were you talking?”
My friend replied, “We were talking about Jesus. We have a meeting today and we were discussing it.”
He said, “Who is teaching you these things?”
My friend pointed to me and replied, “This man is teaching!”
Then I became afraid because I knew that he is such an important man.
He told me, “Give me your cell phone number.” I gave it to him and just then our bus came, so I quickly left.
The next day while I was working in the field, the District Administrator called me. He said, “I want to see you. Come to my office today at five o’clock.”
Then I felt fear. Actually I was terrified! So right there in the field I knelt down and prayed, “God, I don’t know this man, and I don’t know why he has called me to come to his office. So please take care of this. Take control of everything.”
At the proper time I went there. I phoned him, and he told me how to find his office. He met me at the door and led me in to a nicely furnished room with computers and everything. He brought a comfortable chair for me to sit in and a glass of water to drink. Then he started asking questions.
He said, “Tell me about the work that you are doing; I’d like to hear about it.” So I told him about our adult literacy program.
He said, “You people are doing good work for the unschooled. Even though I am an educated man, I always want to learn more. I would like to learn from you.”
Then he told me, “When I am asleep at night in my bedroom, something is coming and disturbing me. Yesterday when I came across you people and overheard you talking, I instantly felt something different happening in me. That’s why I came and stood near you.”
I said, “See, God can even do the things that are impossible.” And I told him the whole story about Abraham, how he was worshiping idols when God called him, saying, “Come and follow me.”
I said, “In the same way, I think God may be calling you.”
He asked for the address where we worship, and he began coming to our worship center regularly to worship God. Not only that; he shows respect and offers hospitality to any of the believers who attend, even the tribal people.
Now that he believes he is asking us to pray for him. “You and the members of your team pray for me so that I may support you.”
That thing that was disturbing him at night – it left! Now he has no more problems sleeping.
Used with permission from ‘Stories from storytellers’