A Hindu hears stories
I was returning from visiting one of our adult literacy centers when the Holy Spirit spoke to me. “You have to be ready to tell the gospel to anyone at any time.”
Just then I came around a curve and saw a group of people standing by the road waiting for the bus to come. I thought, “How can I tell them the gospel?” I didn’t have much time to think. So I skidded to a quick stop, took off my helmet and called to one of the men standing there.
When he came over, I said, “Repent. The kingdom of God is so near.” That’s all I said. I put my helmet back on and left. Later I found out that the man I had spoken to is a high caste Hindu and his name is Mr Rao.
He was so surprised! He asked the others, “Who is that man who spoke to me and then left?” Some of the people there know me. They told him, “He is a pastor from the next town.”
He asked, “But what is this he told me? I don’t understand what it means. I cannot have peace until I find out.” So someone gave him my phone number.
The next day he called. After telling me who he is, he said, “Sir, I’m thinking about that sentence you told me yesterday. Come to my house and help me understand what it means.” I felt great joy and called another brother to go with me to this man’s home.
After greeting us he said, “Whatever it was that you told me yesterday at the bus stop, I cannot stop thinking about it. I am not able to understand it. Can you explain it to me?”
I told him, “First I will tell you a story, and through the story you will begin to understand.” So I began by telling him the Creation story. Afterward we prayed with him and then went back home.
After a few days he phoned again. He said, “Whatever that story was that you told me, it’s a real story and I feel good. Please come again and tell me another story.”
I agreed and went to his home the next day. But before I began the story, I first told him why God created people and what the purpose of Creation is. Then I told him the story of how Jesus came into the world and how he was crucified and how he rose up again. Through listening to the stories, Mr Rao’s life changed. Now he is continually attending our church.
One day he called and said, “Come remove all the gods, the goddesses, and the images that are in my home. Please, come and take them all out!”
I answered, “You don’t need me to remove them. If you believe in Jesus, you can throw them out yourself.” So he took courage and gathered all the images of the gods and goddesses and threw them out of his home.
Shared with permission from SS on ‘Stories from storytellers’