A man is healed of boils
I am an Indian pastor. I am working as a Bible storyteller. I want to give thanks to God for what He has enabled me to do through this storytelling program. He is doing wonders and working miracles and revival has arisen in the lives of the believers.
I lead storytelling training at my mission field every Thursday so that every believer can learn new stories and know how to share the gospel with others.
Hindus worship their idols, which are unable to give salvation, by singing, dancing and praying. That is why we do the ministry of the living God who is able to give us salvation, in the form of singing, dancing and hearing stories from the word of God. It is our responsibility to share the gospel to people in various ways so they are able to hear it.
This month God did a great miracle. A 17 year old Hindu man was terribly sick. For three months his whole body was covered with boils. His sickness was growing worse day by day until he was hardly able to bear it.
One day one of the elderly ladies in our church went by his house, and they shared with her about the man’s problems. Then she told the church about it.
I went there and met with the family. I told them the story of the man who had been suffering for 38 years (John 5:1-9) and how Jesus healed him by faith. I said, “Believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior in your personal life and trust God completely for healing.”
Then I asked them for some oil. I prayed over the oil and then I prayed for him. I urged them to apply the oil over the man’s whole body.
Within three days God had healed him completely! Before this, they had taken him to so many doctors and magicians, but all of those efforts were in vain. But thank God because He has healed him!
Now that whole family has believed in Christ. Please pray for them that in the coming days they will take water baptism. God is doing miracles through the storytelling program.
very encouraging. I have a son who was in a terrible accidenta lil over 2 months ago. We have been in icu since then his right lung now is the factor it keep getting secretions in it which causes him to stay on ventilator. Hes been laying so long he gotten sores form back of his head to his feet. The story with the man who had the sorez came to my memory and i said if God can healhim of his sores i know God can heal my son sores up.