A visit to India for a brand new storyteller
I am a teacher librarian at an English speaking missionary kid school in Taipei, Taiwan. Over Easter break I had...
I am a teacher librarian at an English speaking missionary kid school in Taipei, Taiwan. Over Easter break I had...
Bob had training on his first story (Luke 23:32-47) and the next night he had this opportunity. Bob is still...
A Christian leader attended training about discipling others and as part of the training learned more about Bible storytelling. The...
Jammu (juh-MOO), India “A door has opened for us to train a few women in chronological Bible storying through henna,...
Several Muslim men kept coming into a restaurant operated by a Christian man and his wife. The men would often...
MECO’s teams seek to communicate in meaningful ways, and are seeing firsthand how important storytelling is both for discipleship and...
A team attended a training about Bible storytelling. They work in a Creative Access situation with security issues. Deep in...
Eight of us went from Australia, two from Amercia, and we were joined by seven locals – it was a...
http://www.missionfrontiers.org/issue/article/one-thousand-orphans-tell-gods-story A wonderful story about training children to pass on God’s story. The entire issue of the Nov/Dec 2013 Missions...
[Reprinted from the Orality Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, p 63. Then reprinted in the Nov/Dec 2013 issue of Mission...