Children telling stories for the whole church
This program was used at a traditional church in country NSW, Australia. It includes children telling ten stories from Mark’s gospel. They’ve put it in a contemporary context of a news report with added songs and announcements. The previous year they did the same number outlining the whole Bible. I think this was for a special ‘children’s church’ but why couldn’t it be done in a normal adult’s service with the children as the ‘teachers’?
Children run the service
The theme is ‘Good News Report’. Children will be dress as Press and Newsreaders: white shirts, ties, hats, oversize glasses and carry clipboards, cameras and use microphones. All children will stay on stage. The young ones will sit together on the left and the older ones will stand in a line across the stage in the following order and story tell.
T. Welcome. As it is written in the Bible, in Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi: “Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, if there is anything is worthwhile, think on these things. Put it into practice and the God of Peace will be with you.”
S. Last year the children told the whole story of the Bible. If you missed that episode, then have a look at the Old Testament for the true story of God creating a perfect world, people rebelling against God, His rescue plan and the hope of a Saviour. This true story happens in the land God promised to his people the Jews but it is ruled by the Roman Empire. Let’s cross to the newsroom for the continuing story.
N. Today in Jerusalem…
(Older children story tell the Gospel of Mark in the style of a newspaper report.)
S. John the Baptist
L. Jesus is baptised and tempted
C. Jesus chooses the first disciples
L. Jesus chooses Levi
N. Jesus calms the storm
F. A dying girl and a suffering woman
S. Jesus feeds the five thousand
N. Jesus clears the temple
I. Last Supper and death
T. Jesus comes alive again
F. Here is a news preview – the future home is outlined. “Everybody who met the real Jesus in the flesh had a reaction. You’ve just heard the children retell parts of the Gospel of Mark and have knowledge of the other gospels. What reaction do you have and what should you do about it? It would be a mistake to be like the rich leader who met Jesus but chose his money. Or be like the religious Pharisees, who listened to what Jesus had to say but preferred to trust in their own goodness. Much better to be like the runaway younger son in the story of the Prodigal Son who made some bad choices but decided to come home. Whatever your reaction to Jesus, it would be helpful to talk about it with someone who has been following Jesus for a while.”
Older children pray
All children Sing ‘My Delight’
N. Could all Kids Church leaders please come up to the stage now?
Young group present thank you letter to Kids Church leaders
Kids Church leaders present gifts to each child
Everyone: Christmas Song ‘Many Years Ago’
Pastor: Closing Prayer
Everyone: Morning tea with CD ‘Come on Ring Those Bells’