Who is King? Stories from Daniel

This is an example of telling a series of stories from one book of the Bible. Please note that these stories are in my old style of Bible storytelling. That is, they are more summary style of whole chapters rather than my current style of 16 consecutive verses or less.
I prepared each chapter by these steps:
- Pray
- Read at least three times
- Cartoon strip to help me remember (if needed)
- Close Bible and tell out loud
- Close eyes and imagine myself in the scene
- Open Bible and check details
- Lots and lots of practice out loud!
This is the story I most struggled with. In the Bible it is told half in the first person and half in the third, as is a letter of testimony. However, if told in the Biblical order it tends to lose any suspense. So I decided to tell it starting after the letter greetings and then finish with them.
Makes me want to hear more about the life of Daniel. 🙂 The introduction is very helpful in placing Daniel in his historical and cultural context.