Daring to tell a story with many non-Christian staff
Renee is a teacher of Biblical Studies at a church school in Australia. Church schools like this are very different to Christian schools. Many years ago they were started by various church denominations but there is no requirement that students or teachers are Christian. Renee’s school is less than 5% Christian among the students and only about 30% of the staff would consider themselves Christian. Renee needs a way to communicate the Bible to those from a wide variety of religious backgrounds.
She shares: “My opportunity last week was at staff devotions, a ten minute spot before school. All staff cycle through the roster, regardless of whether they are Christian, so the quality is very variable. Sometimes they are very encouraging, sometimes someone just shows their holiday photos! This term I’ve committed to catching up with staff a week before their turn, to help those who aren’t Biblically literate to shape a devotion which is true to them and conforms to our guidelines. I had the opportunity to share Jesus’ story of the unmerciful servant with a group of about 50 staff members from varying faith backgrounds. People loved the storytelling format, and several were struck by Jesus’ command that we who have received mercy should also extend it to others. The response definitely encouraged me to press on with my efforts to develop this skill.”
Used with permission