Dealing with the bad
“Can you do anything to make the bad go away?”
On a day trip with deaf friends, Phun* took us to a Hindu temple. He explained that some statues were Chinese, Hindu or Buddhist. In one area was a mat with an open-ended cylinder container, with sticks in it. Phun knelt on the mat, bowed before the statues, picked up the cylinder, and shook it until a stick came out. The stick had #35 on it. Phun walked over to an area with drawers. He found Drawer #35 and drew out a small piece of paper. He looked sad and said, “The paper told me that I drink and smoke too much; therefore, I’m bad. I can do nothing to take the bad away.”
My friend told the biblical story called ‘Two Houses’. Phun said that there are many ways to heaven. I told the story called ‘I Am the Way’. Phun was surprised at this teaching about the absolute Way to heaven. He asked about demons, so I told the story called ‘Man With a Legion of Demons.’ Phun was amazed at the power of Jesus to cast out demons. However, the aura of sadness remained as the day-trip ended. Phun and I exchanged numbers. I promised that when I came to Bangkok, I’d contact him. Pray that Phun will remember the stories and trust in Jesus.
May 2014 International Orality Network newsletter
* Not his real name