Experimenting with discussion methods

In our ministry, we are always looking for new tools to add to our collection of resources to help us be more effective in sharing the Gospel. Recently, Christine shared several packs of cards (I am not sure what the name of these are) with me to use in my various groups. I was already using these types of questions in my discovery type of Bible studies, but I am always looking for creative ways to keep the study lively and easy to lead.
The first time I used them it was with two seekers and we were studying a gospel. After reading through a story, I placed the cards face down and we drew them one at a time until someone drew #1. At that time, they asked the question and we each took time to answer the question. Here is what I discovered:
- The cards allowed for smooth transition between questions. Whoever had 1 read it. After a time, I said, who has #2, etc. The one who asked the question usually answered the question last.
- Everyone contributed.
- There was not any pressure for there to be one leader.
- Easily established accountability of how we were going to implement a truth into our daily life (Action step).
- Flowed easily into a prayer time of how we were going to pray for each other for the next week.
I also used these cards in a large group of female believers at a retreat. We were discussing Colossians, and I wanted to allow everyone to have a time to share about the passage instead of having a traditional teaching time. I had random people choose a card. Instead of saying ‘in this story’ we changed to ‘in this passage’ but the rest of the question was the same. Here is what I discovered:
- The cards again helped to discussion flow. Interestingly, I found that the believers wanted to answer first and then ask others to add input.
- Because it was a large group, not everyone answered but several did for each question.
- They found the cards fun to ask and read, like a game.
- Easily encouraged action steps and who they were going to share with.
We then broke into smaller groups to pray for each other and our action steps.
In both of these situations, it was a lively discussion and everyone contributed. I continue to use them in the seeker study. Another plus, these cards are easy to keep in your purse or wallet and pull out when needed. I also like that it is easy to pass on or share with others.
Shared with permission of AE