God’s power is shown strongest when we are weakest
Today I felt inadequate. Why wouldn’t this story stay in my head? I didn’t really want to go to visit the lady at the fruit juice shop. I felt the new story wasn’t well enough prepared. She didn’t really want to hear anyway. Satan, one. Me, zero.
This is a spiritual battle, one that I felt I was failing at. This was obvious to my co-workers but I was blinded by discouragement. As we prayed, I was reminded that God’s power is shown most clearly when we are weak.
When we arrived, we discovered that our friend had started selling dumplings and so had a table set up with chairs around, perfect for discussion! Nancy said “This story is a bit longer story today, so Linda will share part and I’ll share the rest.” To our surprise our friend summarised last week’s story down to the tiny details. It turned out she’d read the mini-Bible we’d left her.
We had more than the normal number of interruptions – the Evil One was working to distract our friend but she kept asking questions to clarify the story the whole way through. I didn’t understand a lot of the discussion. So I mostly left it to my co-worker, who speaks better Chinese, and prayed a lot.
When we asked, “What does the Passover story tell us about God?” Our friend said “God was acting like a Father whose son is being beaten up by a bad guy. He punishes the bad guy but acted kindly to his son, Israel.” She didn’t seem to see the horror of what God did to the Egyptians, but instead was intrigued by God’s patience of giving Pharaoh nine opportunities to let Israel go.
Used with permission of LM