“I will never be any use!”
I met with a young Christian who was recently diagnosed with a developmental disorder. Due to this diagnosis he was very discouraged. He feared having the disabled label and that he would be unable to find a decent job. He also wondered whether he would ever be able to earn enough money to start a family and whether anyone would ever marry him. He felt depressed that his chance to somehow be a respected person in society was now gone.
We opened 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 together and I asked him a couple of questions like, “What kind of people did God choose?” and “What is his purpose in doing so?” He got really into the text and with every answer I could see his posture change. Soon he was sitting up in his chair with a cheeky smile so amazed that he is more valuable than all the people who think they are ‘successful’.
After that I shared with him how to do Bible story telling and we started straight away with the creation story. So far he has shared the creation story with three friends. Please pray that this is only the start of him reaching out to these young Japanese men who have never ever heard anything about Jesus.
Used with permission of JPK.