Taiwanese nurse shares with 5 medical interns
In 2007, as part of discipleship Mei-Ling learned to tell Bible stories but she was nervous about using them. After prayer, she found 5 medical interns at the hospital she thought might be willing to listen to stories. We set up a time and told an initial story in their dorm. They were willing to keep hearing stories. For 8 weeks we had heaps of fun. Mei-Ling would tell the story and I’d help answering questions. These doctors also surprised us because they didn’t want to read Bibles but loved the comic book Bibles. We finished with the Jesus film and then they were assigned elsewhere.
In 2011 one of those 5 interns contacted Mei-Ling and said that he and his whole family were now baptized. We don’t know the whole story but know that the stories were largely ignored until the doctor’s father got cancer. That stress eventually led to them realizing they couldn’t do anything on their own. The father died soon after his baptism. I am confident that the stories will keep working in the lives of the others who have heard them. Once heard they are difficult to forget.
Adapted from ‘Telling the Gospel Through Story’