Jesus cares for children
A missionary took some overseas visitors with her to see the Kumbh Mela, or Pitcher Festival on the Ganges River. Millions of devout Hindus plunge into the water hoping to have their sins washed away.
Many children approached the foreigners with outstretched hands to beg. They were surprised when one of the foreigners said in fluent Hindi, “I don’t have any money or food to give you but I could tell you a story.” The children listened eagerly as she told the story about the children wanting to see Jesus and how the disciples tried to tell them to go away. Jesus rebuked them saying, “Let the little children come to me for to them belongs the Kingdom of heaven.” She told them of how much Jesus loved and cared for them.
Are there people in your life that you could naturally tell stories to? Perhaps those who come to you wanting something else but you can offer them something better?