People might be more interested in Jesus than you think!
Over and over people say to me, “The people in this country aren’t interested in Jesus.” So because we believe this, we don’t bother opening our mouths! It is not surprising then that people don’t come to know Jesus! What if the problem isn’t people’s lack of interest but our methodology or simply that we have believed Satan’s lie (an effective one)?
Here is a testimony from Australia where people are often hardened against the good news because of how it is presented in the media.
I work with Meals on Wheels, an Australian organisation that delivers a cooked meal each day to those no longer able to cook for themselves.
Today, I went to deliver meals for Meals on Wheels. I have been given a new partner on this run. She is originally from Switzerland. We chatted about all sorts of things until she asked me what I did for the long weekend. As I drove I told her the story of Jesus calming the sea. I had been at a seminar and learned that story.
When I finished I said, “Now we have been taught to ask the question, ‘Did you discover anything about Jesus in this story?’.”
She said, “Yes, he is an extra special person who we can trust.”
We chatted a bit about that, then when she came back to the car after delivering a meal she said, “Tell me another story.”
So I told her the story about the little children coming to Jesus.
After we got back to the centre she said to me, “I hope they put me on again with you so I can hear some more stories.”
I am blown away by the fact that it has been so easy, and I have been able to tell the stories without a hitch. I had hardly thought about the calming of the storm story since I learned it during the seminar. It just fell out of my mouth!
Do you believe that people don’t want to hear about Jesus? Have you tried a Bible story with them? Please challenge your belief by learning a story and telling 20 people. How many reject hearing a story?