Reaching minorities in Bulgaria
How do you reach a people who are predominantly illiterate or prefer not to read? By storytelling!
In September Andrew joined a team that traveled through Bulgaria using dance, drama, music and puppets to share the story of Abraham. Andrew played the role of Isaac.
It was incredible to hear the silence of the crowd as they watched the scene unfold, showing Isaac about to be sacrificed. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the show, waiting in anticipation to see what will happen next. Then, as God suddenly provides a ram, the crowd would come alive with cheering and clapping.
One woman at the end of the show sat in tears, saying that she had done too many sins for God to ever be able to forgive her. Praise God that He chose to use a simple drama to open the eyes of many. What a privilege it was to see these pockets of people hear and understand the Gospel for the first time.
Used with the permission of AC