Sharing stories with lonely people
Sally bought a book about storytelling from some missionary friends. She wondered if she might be able to tell stories during the visits she makes to a nursing home in Sydney.
One of the ladies is in her late 60’s asked Sally why she visits people in the nursing home. Sally thought this was a good opportunity to tell a story. The lady is a Roman Catholic but she has some serious questions about why God would allow her to be in her condition. So far she has heard the Creation and Fall stories.
Another lady in the home is 84 and has no family to visit her. She has questions about whether her good works have been enough to get her into heaven. She too has started listening to stories.
Older people would make excellent ‘story practise partners’ while you are learning stories. Older people would make excellent ‘story practise partners’ while you are learning stories. Learn a story and then ask them if you can practise with them.
Could you go and visit old people and tell them stories before it is too late? They are usually just glad to have someone visit them. It is not hard to start telling stories.