Technology – linking people to other language resources
What would you do if you went to tell someone a story and then discovered that they understood very little of your language? Here is what two people in Australia did.
My partner and I headed out of the shops to walk the main street of Dubbo, a country town in NSW. I saw two Asian ladies sitting on a park seat in the main street (they were taking a break from their jobs at the massage shop) and suggested to my partner that we head over to them.
I told the ladies that we were practicing our stories from our workshop and asked, “Would you like to hear our stories? Each one is three minutes long?” Their English was limited but they were happy to hear our stories. Both my partner and I told our stories but had to use simple English to help the ladies. One of them went and got pen and paper to write words they didn’t understand.
Both ladies seemed interested in hearing more stories so I suggested to them to go to for Gospel Stories in Mandarin. I helped them look it up on their phone.
Do you know where you could find stories in the languages of the people around you? In the days of the internet and the smart phone we are blessed to be able to link people even if we don’t speak their language.
Possible resources are listed on our resource page. We are looking for story sets in other languages (or you could record them and put them on Youtube) to link with this website.