The good news is hard to share with family
“I enjoy telling the story of Christ to my people. But there is one group that’s extremely difficult to talk to: my family. Family members tell you exactly what they think. They laugh, insult, scold, and even get angry. It’s the most difficult thing to do as a Christ follower: share the Gospel with my family.”
More than 20 young adults – Torch people believers – will be going back to their village homes to share the Gospel. Many of those they will be talking to will be hearing the Story for the very first time! These believers know that they will face insults and persecution, but as one of them said, “How can we leave our family out of the most important, life-changing story in the world?” Pray that God will fill these believers with boldness and courage as they take the Gospel to their home villages. Ask the Holy Spirit to soften hearts and prepare family members to hear the Gospel. Pray that God will hold back the evil one from creating circumstances such as illnesses, mudslides, travel delays, etc. that would hinder the Gospel from going forth.
Who can you pray for in your family?
Source: CompassionNet International Mission Board