Two men try their first story at work
A few weeks ago a storying training was held at a Chinese church in Sydney. The group learned the Creation story and were encouraged to ask people, “Could I practice a story I’ve learned?”
One middle-aged man has a Chinese friend that he has invited to church but was always refused. However, when he asked, “Can I tell you a story?” the same man said, “Of course.” After they finished the story the storyteller said that he was going to learn another story. His friend indicated interest to keep hearing. Hopefully this will keep the storyteller learning a whole set of stories (see the Bible overview videos).
The second seminar attendee was in his twenties. He bravely asked two Roman Catholic background work mates (both non-Chinese men). They too agreed to hear a story.
In our training on the Genesis 3 story – the next in the set – I also explained how to lead group discussion. If he tries these 6 questions and finds the men enjoys it he can either continue with those two guys or see if they have other friends who might enjoy a story and discussion once a week during their lunch break. This group may then one day be a church plant.
Both of the storytellers admitted that they were surprised that their friends were willing to hear stories. Most of us believe the lie that our contacts will not listen to stories and so we never open our mouths.
Get out and test whether this ‘myth’ is true! Don’t just accept it!