Working as a team can help everyone
A storyteller in Singapore trained three girls to share the story of the lost sheep (Luke 15). She also told them how they could use the story to start spiritual conversations. All three were challenged to share the story that week.
One Sunday, the three girls (two sisters and a friend) took a taxi together to church. The oldest girl started sharing the story of the lost sheep with the driver in Mandarin.
The driver was engaged and appreciated the conversation. The second girl felt encouraged and joined in.
The third and youngest who was 12 helped with the questions the other two had forgotten. What a wonderful team effort!
The taxi driver acknowledged that Jesus was like the man and he was like the lost sheep. He also told them that his wife was suffering from cancer and they recently started attending church. He wanted his wife to have hope and only Jesus seemed to give any.
Praise God for the courage of the girls who cared enough to share a story with the taxi driver.
Shared with permission of CH