Advice from an Aussie farmer about storying with men
A new storyteller told a story and then asked, “How do you know what story to tell next?”
David who is an experienced storyteller answered, “Be encouraged, every story will have an impact and often I am surprised by how few stories it takes to get people really thinking. In choosing your next story two things come to mind. What story will you enjoy telling to this guy, and what is the World view of this guy – Buddhist, Aussie White guy, Jehovah’s Witness? God will show you!”
David continues, “Yesterday I was able with God’s help to share 3 Bible stories with the young man I was working with fencing. He knows I am a Christian and has in the past called me the God man! I told him the King Ahaziah story followed with Elijah going up to Heaven in the Chariot, then the BBQ with the prophets of Baal (felt I had said too much at the end). An hour later I gave him lunch at my house, my wife was away and the discussion went to world religion and the differences. I was able to explain where the Jews, Muslims and Christians originate and then how the reformation gave us all the Christian churches. It was very enlightening for him as he works it all out. He never understood how this all fitted together.”
So to answer your question I have no idea if those 3 stories where the right ones. They were 3 I know, they are action packed, and they get men’s attention. The best thing is that we are still talking!!!!